Life Sketches of Ellen G. White   (3)
“The plans and work of men,” she said, “are not keeping pace with the providence of God; for while some in these countries who claim to believe the truth declare by their attitude, ‘We want not Thy way, O Lord, but our own way,’ there are many who are pleading with God that they may understand what is truth. In secret places they are weeping and praying that they may see light in the Scriptures, and the Lord of heaven has commissioned His angels to cooperate with human agencies in carrying forward His vast design, that all who desire life may behold the glory of God.” (LS 337.1) MC VC
“We are to follow where God’s providence opens the way,” the speaker continued; “and as we advance, we shall find that Heaven has moved before us, enlarging the field for labor far beyond the proportion of our means and ability to supply. The great want of the field open before us, should appeal to all to whom God has entrusted means or ability, that they may devote themselves and their all to God.” (LS 337.2) MC VC
Nor were those who should receive a training, to be limited in their missionary endeavors by racial or national barriers. Wherever they labored, their efforts were to be crowned with speedy triumph. “The purpose and ends to be attained by consecrated missionaries,” Mrs. White declared, “are very comprehensive. The field for missionary operation is not limited by caste or nationality. The field is the world, and the light of truth is to go to all the dark places of the earth in a much shorter time than many think possible.” —Bible Echo, Supplement, September 1, 1892. (LS 337.3) MC VC